Zucchini Potato Soup

Lapsang Souchong is a black tea that is smoked over pine embers and adds great flavour to soups. Use it in place of chicken stock or water in any soup recipe for a natural smoke flavour.

Fruity Applesauce

It is easy to make your own custom flavoured applesauce. Simply cook the apples in the TEA, decide how much sugar to add, mash and then puree in a blender once cool.

Creamy Mushroom Soup

Pu-erh Tea is a fermented Tea that has an earthy taste complimenting the taste of the mushrooms in this creamy soup. Pu-erh is known to help with digestion after a greasy meal.

Turkey Burger

Tea can help tenderize and flavour your meats. Adding the zucchini also adds moistness and a way to sneak vegetables into your recipe.