Strawberry Coconut Cake Recipe

It’s strawberry season and this moist Strawberry Cake is a great dessert. It has a delicious layer of strawberries at the bottom topped with a moist cake on top. It’s also gluten-free. Serve warm with vanilla ice cream or whipped topping.

Cold Brew ICED TEA Method

Add 5 - 7 tsp. of your favourite black or green tea to a 4 cup pitcher. A dd 1 cup of hot water, steep 2 min. Then 3 cups of cold water. lace in the fridge for 6-8 hours. Strain leaves when serving or makes in our special ice tea jugs.

Tips for making Iced Tea at Home

- to make a stronger brew always use more tea and keep the same steeping time - make ice cubes out of tea so you don’t dilute the flavour - pour tea over ice in a glass instead of adding ice to the pitcher - letting black & green tea cool  completely before putting in the fridge may help prevent clouding - mix rooibos tea and complementing fruit tea together to make your tea go farther - use Rooibos extract powder to make instant ice tea.

Simple Rooibos Iced Tea Recipe

Place 2 tsp. per cup of plain red rooibos tea in a heatproof container along with some fresh or dried mint leaves. Add some lemon or orange slices, raspberries or strawberries and some stevia leaves to sweeten. Pour boiling water into the container and steep till cool. Strain tea leaves and pour over ice or finish cooling in the fridge. Put the lemon slices back into the drink if desired.

June is Distinctly Tea Iced Tea Month

Fruit & Rooibos teas are a favorite type of tea to drink iced. Use approximately 1/4 cup of tea per 6 cups of water. An easy method is to add tea to a heatproof pitcher, fill half with boiling water (stir in sweetener at this time or see our tips on “Ways to sweeten your tea” below) then let cool to room temperature. Top up the pitcher with cold water and place it in the fridge to finish chilling. Some favorite Rooibos teas our customers loved iced are Lemon Chiffon Rooibos, Peach Apricot, Blueberry, Raspberry, and Fruity Orange.

Red Fruit Tea Smoothie Recipe

1 cup boiling water 3 tsp. Strawberry Kiwi Fruit or any other favourite  Red Berry Fruit Tea 2 tbsp. sweetener 1 cup frozen strawberries 1/2 cup strawberry yogurt (can use frozen yogurt) 1/2 cup ice cubes ( about 3-4 ) 

Natural Ingredient Smoothie Recipes – Smoothie Basics 

Step 1: Add fruits and/or vegetables Fruits can be frozen or fresh –most fruits work well for smoothies. Two fruits work great.
 Spinach is the most popular green to add but you can experiment with adding different greens like kale, romaine lettuce, etc. Step 2: Add Liquid Add between 1-2 cups of liquid for every 3 cups of fruit Note: bananas and mangos create a thicker smoothie and fruits like watermelon create a more liquid type. Liquids to add: milk or milk alternatives, fruit juice, water, iced coffee, iced green/black tea.


Sunny daffodils and robins everywhere, it is clear that spring is here! With the shedding of our winter coats, we feel a little lighter, and many of us start itching for a change. We clean our houses, try a new haircut, shop for a summer wardrobe (even if it is still too cold to wear our […]